Liquid Renewables Group proudly announces our participation in the Move Green program through our staff HSE Safouane Damiri.

The training and capacity building program in renewable energies between Andalusia and the North of Morocco is part of the activities of the project, carried out by FAMSI, CLANER and the AN^MAR Federation and co-financed by the European Union, through the Migration Partnership Facility, managed by the International Center for Migration Policy Development.

The project also aims to contribute to the retention of talent and the creation of jobs and active entrepreneurship among young people in Morocco, as well as the strengthening of partnerships between public and private institutions linked to the green economy on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar.

To learn more about this exciting initiative and Liquid Renewables Group’s participation, please visit the following link:

We are proud to contribute to the advancement of renewable energies and the sustainable development of our communities.

Stay tuned for further updates and achievements as we continue our commitment to a greener future.